Capstone Progress

Who does the LISTA app Help?

Developing the LISTA app’s target types

Erika Valenzuela


Developing personas is a helpful tool to understand your users’ experience with your product. Still, to avoid basing personas on offensive/cultural stereotypes, I created three target types (the student, the proud parent, and the financial aid counselor) based on market research to understand my targets’ values, needs, wants, likes, and dislikes.

If you’d like to get a better context of a capstone project, check out my blog post What is Capstone?

Starting with logical assumptions

From the start of my capstone’s development, I was already starting to envision what kind of person would use the LISTA app: a first-generation high school student. I assumed a high school student based on my own experiences. However, my assumptions and experiences are just a starting point; it was time to push those aside and envision a person based on market research and reliable data.

The Student

According to the EJournals of Public Affairs, a first-generation student is defined by neither of their parents graduating college. Approximately 1/3 third of undergraduates are first-generation students in the United States.

The common characteristics of first-generation students include:

  • being from a minority/ underrepresented ethnic group
  • being of low income
  • academically unprepared
  • commute to school rather than live on campus.

The Proud Parent

Defining “first-generation students” is an ongoing debate based on the parents’ highest level of education. The Center for First-generation Student Success explains that most institutes have adopted the federal definition, “first-generation students come from families where their biological parents did not complete a four-year college degree” (NASPA).

This broader definition includes parents who

  • ended their education after high school
  • attended an institute but did not finish their degree
  • have once enrolled in a college course

The Financial Aid Counselor

School counselors play an essential role in helping their students prepare for post-secondary education from academics, mental health, career options, and financial assistance. According to Donna J. Dockery, school counselors should uphold an obligation to all students and their families by:

  • working with students and families as early as middle school
  • Encourage first-generation students to take advanced classes to prepare them academically for admission test scores and college courses.
  • Encourage and recommend institutes that best fit a student’s psychosocial, career, and academic needs.
  • Being early and transparent with a student and their family about post-secondary education finances.

Target Type Traits based on Market Research

A target user is better served when we focus on their traits, values, and goals rather than the user’s age, income, and race — this allows us to paint a genuine picture of them instead of going off stereotypes.



Erika Valenzuela

I am a motivated, bilingual, interactive/graphic designer actively seeking new knowledge and improving my user experience and user interface skills to create gr